Mni Wiconi, Lakota for "Water is Life."
Thousands of donated items including jackets, food and toiletries poured in from supporters all over the world.
The main road through Oceti Sakowin camp.
Militarized police peer down from their perch on a sacred burial ground.
Protest flags bear the "black snake" the Native American prophecy of destructive pipelines like DAPL.
Water protectors chanted: “Remove yourself from the graves of our ancestors. We are here in love. We are here in peace. We are here for our ancestors.”
Singers chant during protest.
Thousands gather at the base of the burial mound at sunset to pray.
The prayer ring expands in the distance.
Some indigenous youth ride home at the end of the day through camp.
Oceti Sakowin from a distance.
Militarized police block 1806 highway, the most direct route to Oceti Sakowin camp. Days before, water protectors were sprayed with water cannons and rubber bullets in freezing temperatures during a night-time stand-off.
A two-hour orientation is required of all protectors when they first arrive to camp.